Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Mysteries of the Internet

Check out this video clip.

I think it does a great job of poking fun at people's awe and wonder over the internet. Let's face it, haven't we all stared at our routers and scratched our heads when that little green bar or dot went dark, changed color, or whatever? But the truth is, the internet, and access to it, isn't all that mysterious.

The KeyWifi tech team is working 'round the clock to get our new system up and running, and while there is no doubt that what they're doing requires specialized skill and talent, the basic principle behind KeyWifi is so simple - give people virtual "keys" to each other's wifi, keys which can be reset and taken back at any time. It's the ultimate in sharing technology.

So while the technology may be way over most of our heads, the fundamentals are as simple as what you learned in pre-school ... it pays to share!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

KeyWifi welcomes you to our new blog!

You may already know a little bit about KeyWifi, a brand new wifi sharing platform that just might revolutionize the way we get wireless internet access. But this blog is not about tech-talk ... it's about telling YOUR humorous (and aggravating) stories of searching for cheap, fast and reliable internet access. While we'll be taking our questions to the streets of New York, we'd love to hear what's going on in YOUR town or city, so don't hold back.

So, shall we get started, then? Here's our first "street story." It took place in Long Island City, where ... let's call her Sharon ... found herself running from room to room in her apartment trying to get a wifi signal. (It should be noted that Sharon's apartment consisted of a bedroom about a third the size of her mother's walk-in closet back in Texas, and an alcove thingy that served as a kitchen and eating area.) But I digress ... so on this afternoon, Sharon was scuttling all around her apartment trying to keep a wireless signal so she could finish internet fact-checking her college research paper, which was due in an hour. Why didn't she just head over to a Starbucks and work there, you ask? Because the closest one was several subway stops to the north, and considering how temperamental the N & W lines could be, Sharon wasn't going to chance being late to class. So she darted from room to room, catching glimmers of wifi signal, but never managed to fully finish her fact-checking.

Sharon ended up getting a B+ on her paper, and if you knew Sharon, you'd know that might as well have been an F!

So what's the moral of the story? Don't leave things to the last minute (sure, if only it were that easy, right!?) How about, just shell out the $40+ a month to get internet access at home? But what if you're a working student like Sharon, who doesn't have $40 a month to spare?

That's where KeyWifi comes in! Surely Sharon could have procrastinated and still gotten her A if she'd had it.